Contact info@explorerbi.com and we will contact you to help you with choices available to you or connect directly with our chatbot on this site at the bottom of each page. We will guide you through the options to provide you with a great fit solution.
Go To : https://explorerbi.com/bi-modules
Where you can read more about the available ERP modules for your selection and specific business requirements.
Contact your elected service provider to take you through the quick process of signup or connect directly with us at :
Where you can navigate through the 2-minute activation process.
You will be prompted to provide all required detail about your organisation and the responsible person for payment of the services. The first step is to purchase the activation pack and choose your monthly billing plan based on chosen modules, which suit your organisation best. The implementation team will thereafter contact you to enable your unique explorerBi platform on the date and time of your choice.After the initial activation of explorerBi-Active, the implementation team will gather all necessary information from you to populate your first look explorerBi, depending on which modules you choose to activate. A typical 15 – 25 user enterprise using CRM, CXM and HRM should take no longer than 5 days to be ready for users to already utilize the systems. (Considering the import of Customer, Employee, Deal, Lead, User, sales targets and Opportunity information data, and depending on the availability of the data from your organization)
explorerBi accommodates an infinite number of User accounts. Please see the different user range billing options as well. The successful growth of your business is stimulated and considered within explorerBi, as and how your business grows.
No, there is no limitation on the amount of Customer accounts or leads you can create within explorerBi.
Yes, it is quick and easy to transfer a current paid-up user account to another user within explorerBi.
Yes, explorerBi is continuously being updated and improved to provide you with a best of breed service and for you to stay current with the technology functionalities. You will receive updates on Bi and Business ERP Modules for free. Should new Modules become available only then it will attract additional cost for the new service.
Yes, other database driven systems such as financial and inventory management systems can be integrated with the explorerBi platform. Please find out from your representative which systems are approved and ready to integrate with explorerBi.
Yes, explorerBi has a Dark and Light View template, which you can choose from within the User settings pane.
Yes, currently explorerBi provide for English, Spanish (Chile), Spanish (Peru), Spanish (Spain) and Afrikaans (South African). The language options are easily selectable within the user configuration pane.
Yes, you can instantly export to your device, from any table within the explorerBi to PDF, Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.
Yes, explorerBi boasts with a smart search engine wizard built in where you can define and refine your searches on any data that exists within explorerBi. Information can also be viewed in customizable tables where you can list, sort on specific criteria.
The different modules within explorerBi are differentiated and easily identified by colour. Each module uses a specific module logo and colour on the views within the modules to help the user to identify the place they are busy working in. It also helps to provide identification of origin of data when in general views on the explorerBi platform.
Yes, to join the user group go to https://explorerbi.com/bi-usergroup
Your service provider will be able to guide you and your teams to cater for user-based training when the implementation project starts. Module User Training, Manager Training, HR User training is currently available and easily scheduled by the implementation team we will provide to guide, manage and implement your new explorerBi. Please note: (The training duration and curriculum is dependent on your specific user requirements and module selections).
Yes, you can, please contact us @ info@explorerbi.com for more information and your options regarding on-premise hosting.
The data that you generate on explorerBi is hosted within a secure datacenter serving your region. The explorerBi service with all your business specific data is available 24/7 for your access and use.
The explorerBi is protected with 2-factor user authentication and AES256 system storage protection. No one without the approved credentials and profile can access or see your data. The servers and datacenter facilities that house your information and business data are protected by a 6 layer physical and electronic security system ensuring that only people that should have access, have access.
Yes, you can adjust, change or upgrade at any time when your business need might change. Please note: (should you downgrade within your first 12 months; you stand a chance to defer (loose) the remaining months paid-up subscription on the users or modules you are downgrading from)
Yes, you can cancel your service at any time after the first 6-month period. Please note: (a minimum of 2-month cancellation of service lead time is required)
Your data always remains yours. Although we will be sad to see you leave, the explorerBi team will gladly export the available base data for you into a spreadsheet format. (Base data – is all data you input to the system)
Yes, as a manager of the system you have views in dashboards to see who does what.
No, explorerBi is available through several reseller service provider partners. See the list of reseller service partners here, https://explorerbi.com/reseller-list
explorerBi and separate module data are backed up daily for immediate reinstatement should the need arise to do so.
Visit https://explorerbi.com/help
or email your call for assistance to info@explorerbi.com. Log a call with the explorerBi helpdesk and let us know what we can help you with.